The award was created by Genevieve Olsen, of Bella-Enchanted, to honor bloggers who are ... well, nice: good friends who care about others and who inspire good feelings and positive expression on the Web.
Thanks so much, Carly, for your many kindnesses and encouraging words -- and congratulations on having received one of these yourself. If anyone deserves a Nice Matters badge, it's you.
I have a few nominations of my own to make, and I hope you'll stop by and see their blogs:
Tammie Jean of Long Drives to Nowhere, for her amazing, touching essays and gentle humor.
Sunnyside46, whose blog Porch Stories feels like a letter from home -- and a happy home, at that.
Mutualaide of Flamingo Row which is, regrettably, private. She is a wonderful example of how online friendship can flow into the "real" world and light up hearts in shadow.
There is a guy version of the award as well, and I'd like to send these out, too:

Robert L. Brimm of Chosen Words, whose poetry is like apples in autumn: nourishing, comforting, crisp and delicious.
Thanks to all of you who make the online world a better, gentler place.
Thank you Vicki! I am honored that you think of me so kindly. :)
I really love your writing. I went through all kinds of early morning trauma just to leave you this comment!
Nice does matter and I couldn't be more honored.
I really try to leave a little sunshine behind me. Life's too short to be unhappy.
Thank you so much for thinking of me.
Thank you so much, Vicki! I've always felt that nice matters, and I'm truly honored that you included me among your nominees.
(BTW - is it okay if I take the dog version? I have a thing for dogs y'know)
You're all very, very welcome. And yes, Tammie Jean -- I think I'm going to use the dog too. The colors work better with my blog.
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