This is the timing device that controls our off-peak water heater. I was in there trying to remember which of three switches the hubby told me would override it if I ran out of hot water, and realized that it looked very Doctor Who.
He says it goes to show that I'll photograph damn near anything. Which, of course, is true.
For kindred spirits, check out these memes:

Great shadow shot! Amazing where we discover them, isn't it???
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
A fantastic macro!!
photographing damn near anything - the mark of a good photographer.
follow the light to find the shadows - wonderful shot
None of those pieces would make any sense to me if I had to fiddle around with them. Thankfully I can simply sit here and enjoy the photo! It's a beautiful shot!
So you are sure this isn`t a time-travelling machine. Did Doctor Who dear to try one of the switces? Ok - you did - and are still here in 2009?
If you are - have a great sunday :)
I like your reference to Dr. Who! I'm often mystified by technology.
Beautiful and creative photo
For sure, images can be found anywhere. Good contrast...I like it!
excellent photo!
Thanks for the encouraging words, everyone!
Moe - "Follow the light to find the shadows" ... how poetic!
Lene - I was afraid to flip any of the switches, so ... Who knows? (Nyuk nyuk nyuk.)
Of course you'll photograph anything .. its why you're so good!
A Wellsian Time Machine, I think. A fine image.
Please continue with your photos - I loved it. Especially the lighting.
Great subject! And its ok to photograph everything.
Great shot. That does have a doctor who feel to it.
Like the way you also catched the light in this picture :-) beautiful.
But it's so cool-looking! Why wouldn't you photograph it?
My first thought when I saw it was, "Steampunk!" I'm working on a production right now that has a lot of elements of that in it, so it's been at the front of my mind.
It looks like a madman's surprisingly operational time machine. I would think that if you zoomed out, we'd also see lots of ornate, curly brasswork and maybe the little "HRH" stamp suggesting he uses only items of the finest Victorian manufacture.
A good selection, Nothing less.
Hope this time machine makes our time slower and longer.
Im with your hubby you do take photos of about everything but then thats what I like about you. You have a good one Bye Bye Ed
Very nice shot! It really does look like a time machine from the fifties.
A wonderful gadget to photograph and so well lighted for the full effect. Stunning!
whatever it is it is a stunning mono!
Great mono and shadow...perfect subject too.
Terrific monochrome shot. Those gears fascinate me. It's fitting for this time of year when "bones are ground up" and "Frankenstein..." :D
Great shot! Yep, I'll photograph damn near everything too! Unless I already photographed it! But then, the lighting is always different...
It made for a really interesting shot...Michelle
That was pretty darn AWESOME!
Love that shot!
Have a Great Day!
Rocío a.k.a."Mamí♥Picture" and you can find my shadow shot "HERE"
Awesome shot!
What a find! Great SS! It's amazing what we find when we truly see. Have a great new week!
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