(I seem to be back, more or less. We changed to a new Internet service. It's still slow, but much better and more reliable. Uploading decent sized photos is still a challenge, though, so this one is from a few weeks ago.)
Look closely into the wine glass and you'll see green grass, blue sky, the line of pines sighing softly in the breeze at the edge of the property, and a white string hammock. What more could you ask for, eh?
There's a lot more to see at Weekend Reflections.
Ah, I do see indeed!! And what delightful reflections! I love them! Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!
Great photo! I like the light and shadows in this shot. Great reflection too. Very artistic.
The ambiance is a fit and relaxing summer treat!
I like the mix of reflection and shadows. I also like the way it looks on the wood.
Glass of wine and a hammock - sounds like an ideal Sunday to me.
Great reflections!
Nice shot ! I like it very much !
Thanks for this inspiring sharing...
(and I hope your internet provider problem are definitively solved)
Lovely .. consider uploading to a Picasa album and then you can import to the blog from there .. the upload can be done either fast or larger file .. I opt for faster and my photos enlarge nicely on the blog .. check it out. AND its free and a good way to back up your photos
Now that IS clever...glad to see you back...
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