The yard sale we held when we moved from our old house included a lot of forgotten toys our grown kids had left behind. I hope these little guys found new children to love them.
The Round Robin Photo Challenge was the first photo meme I ever did. Back then, the lively group was hosted by Steven of sometimesphotoblog,Carly of Ellipsis, and Karen of Outpost Mavarin. Steven bowed out some time ago. This week is Carly's last, and in honor of the occasion the theme is "Goodbyes".
Carly and Karen have done a fine job of rounding up topics and making everyone feel welcome, and Karen will be carrying on. You can check out the Round Robins here, and everyone is invited to join.
Carly girl, you will be missed. Karen, thanks for keeping the meme going!
What an adorable photo of the forgotten toys. I too hope they are being loved by new children.
Hi Vicki :)
Awww... I do so love teddy bears. Some of my best friends have been bears. A bear works so hard in it's little life, keeps so many secrets, drinks so much imaginary tea. LOL. Can you tell I STILL talk to my bears? LOL! Just kidding... kind of! ;)
Hugs, Carly
Hon, if you get the chance, I would love to see you over at the Monday Photo Shoot, anytime you find a free moment to participate! You always were one of my very favorite photographers. I hope you will consider it. :)
Oh, what a great shot of the old toys! Good choice, doing it in black and white for that nostalgia feel. Thanks for the kind words also!
If you havent seen Toy Story 3 .. do .. its lovely and those sweet animals reminded me of it
I do hope they found good home.. lot of hugs left in them....
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