Go ahead. Have a seat -- if you dare.
Appropriately enough, this clever bench is a resting spot in a public aquarium. It looks comfy enough but the one raised arm is a bit disquieting, don't you think?
Many, many thanks to Tracy in Brisbane for hosting Shadow Shot Sunday all this time and many, many more to our new hosts who are carrying on at Shadow Shot Sunday 2. Just click the link to join in the fun!
Terrific shadow shot for the day! I would be careful about sitting on the raised one!! Hope you have a great weekend!
A great job of photographing this piece. The bench combines art and sculpture with utility.
That's cushioned? Oh my...I would be dubious even if I knew differently. LOL
SHADOW OF CHRIST is my direct link for Shadow Shot Sunday2.
OOOOOO Quite disturbing! As if some unknown life form is saying "Come hither if you dare!" A great find!
Sylvia, That would be the one to avoid I think. ;-)
Martha, I thought so too. Someone quite creative came up with this one.
Annie, it is! It's quite spongy-feeling to sit on. Almost ... alive.
Gemma, it does look alien, doesn't it?
Although rough all over, it might make a place to relax when your legs need a brief respite. Of course with that texture, nobody would even think of overstaying their welcome...
Gee whiz...it looks like you could be impaled on that one section and that would be where my behind would end up....
Haha! I can't say it looks very comfortable at all, but I'll take your word on it being so :)
It's such a cool and fun shot! I love some of the crazy public seating around the place these days!
I hope you're having a lovely weekend :)
Beautiful shadow capture.
My Shadow. Thank you for supporting the new team of the Shadow Shot. Happy Holidays!
You inspired me to join in ...
That upturned corner is for those guys who have to sit backwards on chairs .. you know the wrap your legs around the back of the chair?
Ha, ha, maybe you are meant to straddle itI
A nice bench and a great SS.
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