Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shadow Shots: Look, Don't Touch

Posted for Shadow Shot Sunday 2 and for Whistle Stop Photo Hunt: Texture.


These spines are actually quite small, but formidable nonetheless.

We're one week away from my son's wedding, and there are still a million things left to do. So what am I doing? Playing long-neglected photo memes, because I need a touch of normalcy.

Hope all of you are well.


J.Rylie.C said...

Very interesting, what are those?

Hope you'd come by and see my Shadows. Enjoy your weekend!

Ralph said...

I tend to avoid spiky things that sprout from anywhere within nature. My fair skin does not like to feel sharp things...very cool shadows around the bark and spikes! Try to relax despite the wedding!

MyMaracas said...

Hi, Ms. Burrito. Thanks for stopping by! They are thorny structures that I found all over the sides of an exotic plant in a greenhouse.

Ralph, thanks - I'm trying, but the stress and drama are incredible. I'm offering my second son money to elope.

genie said...

How in the world do you have any time for the computer? You must be a great multi-tasker. Those spikes and their shadows are quite impressive. I do not think I would want to back not one of them. What a great contribution to the meme this week. genie

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific, unusual shadow shot for the day!! I can only imagine how busy you are!!! Hope the wedding goes well and I'd be trying to talk my other son into eloping as well! Take care!!


Kelly said...

What a fascinating shot! I've already been poked by a fishing hook tonight, so I'll steer clear of your spikes...tiny or not!

EJ said...

That's unusual and unique!

My Shadow

MyMaracas said...

Genie - I don't. I'm in escape mode.

Sylvia, thanks for the good-luck wishes! We need them.

Kelly: Oh no! Fish hooks are among the most painful of pokes. Hope you're OK?

John, It was an unusual plant, for sure. Something from the African desert, I think.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Amazing macro of this growth! The spikey shape reminds me of a star fish! Fascinating!

Catherine said...

Lovely textures and colours here...

Daryl said...

as always I am struck with how well you know your macro ... hugs