Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year!

"Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people ... so overweight people are now average. Which means you have met your New Year's resolution." - Jay Leno 
Well alright, then. I'm done.

Back on Track

I don't do resolutions. Like these tracks, they imply single-minded, calibrated progress toward measurable goals. Which has its advantages in some circumstances, of course, and is not a bad thing at all if you're a train. Trouble is, humans get derailed so easily. Our hard-charging intentions end up as sad, rusting, ivy-covered hulks, cluttering up the scenery.

Instead of making resolutions, I prefer to consider possibilities and pursue opportunities. It's more akin to setting off in a hot air balloon. There's a general direction, with lots of ups and downs. There's accepting that the destination is not entirely predictable. And there's having faith that wherever you end up will be exactly where you were supposed to go.

Today is liftoff for 2013, the year I retire. This one should be a doozie.


Daryl said...

yes, it will be a doozie but i am sure you will make it ... i am here watching ...

Anonymous said...

You got my thumbs up and you'll be fine. Keep putting one foot ahead of the other and never stop!

LaLa said...

happy new year!

Thyra said...

It's a good thing to retire. You'll get some time for many things you have dreamed about to do. I'll never grow tired of having all this spare time for my interests. You can look forward to it. Happy New Year!
Grethe ´)

What Karen Sees said...

Love the quote by Leno! HaHa