Saturday, February 02, 2013

Shadow Shot Sunday 2: Wings

Would you believe I'm still uploading photos from a vacation we took over a year ago?

In my defense, there are literally hundreds of them to sort through. (It was, after all, the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque.) These are from a side trip to the butterfly house at the arboretum there.

Fresh shadows are hard to come by in Indiana just now, where the days are overcast, grey, and snowy. So as long as I'm fussing around in the files I thought I'd share a couple of shots from sunnier days.



I debated whether to Photoshop out that bokeh in the second one, but I kinda like it. What do you think?


Sylvia K said...

Beautiful shadow shots for the day! I know what you mean about having to battle gray, overcast days!! We haven't had any snow, but lots of fog!! Hope your weekend is going well!

Ralph said...

A good photo stands the test of time - and these do! The butterflies in their shades of mocha and bronze changes in color from to separate them from the sea if green plants. These views are great now or anytime!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love these butterflies mingling with the shadows! Very beautiful!

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful shadow shot ~ lovely work.

Carol of: A Creative Harbor

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love that last shot.

Shadowy Background.
Your comment is always appreciated..

Catherine said...

great closeups....and lovely dappled shadows in the first shot..

Anonymous said...

Oh, can't wait to see butterflies again!
Happy Sunday!

Vane M. said...

Impossível não se encantar com borboletas. Elas me fazem querer ter asas também. Um abraço!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The butterfly shot makes me want to soar!

Buddha in the Shadows

Rajesh said...

Fantastic shots of butterfly.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I like the bokeh-looks like the moon!

Daryl said...

bokah? i thought it was the daytime moon!

Sandcastle Momma said...
