September is Fall Hat Month and National Courtesy Month, so don a hat if you dare, or at least be nice to anyone who does. It's International Square Dancing Month and Chicken Month and Honey Month, which sounds like a potluck party to me. And let's not forget it's Better Breakfast Month and Self Improvement Month ... oatmeal, anyone?
Labor Day has come and gone. Hope it was a happy one for you. I spent it doing actual labor, but the holiday pay took out some of the sting. Today, September 5, is Be Late for Something Day, so I'm actually right on time in getting this post up. Read a Book Day is September 6; the 16th is Collect Rocks Day, the 22nd is Elephant Appreciation Day, and the 28th is Ask a Stupid Question Day. (Can't wait for that one.)The Chinese Moon Festival is sometime this month (15th day of the 8th lunar month), but I'll have to figure that one out later.
Yessiree Bob, it's a full plate this time around. Man, I love September.
Hi Again Vicki :)
Oh my goodness, you have inspired me right and left with this entry. :) That squeaky sound you hear is the wheels in my brain. LOL. I must celebrate something silly this month! :)
Well send me a link if you do, OK? We should have done "hats" in Robins this month. It coulda done double duty. LOL
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