Saturday, September 08, 2007

Something different

The Round Robins this time are focusing on subjects that are unusual for us, things we wouldn't usually photograph. The idea is from Nancy at Nancy Luvs Pix.

I chose the rafters of our farmers' market, with its 18-foot fan.

It was a toss-up between that and purple produce, so I'm including that too.

Want to see what the other Robins found? Check 'em out below:

Karen - Outpost Mâvarin
Carly - Ellipsis
Janet - Fond Of Photography
Annie - Pictures of Craziness
Nancy - Nancy Luvs Pix
Suzanne R - New Suzanne R's Life
Jessica - QuickSilver Dreams
Boliyou - Percolation
Gina - Gina's Space
Gattina - Keyhole Pictures
Tara - A Long Walk Home ***Welcome New Member***
Steven - (sometimes photoblog)
Teena - It's all about me!


Carly said...

Hi Vicki :)

Gosh those yummy veggie look good! Lovely colors. :) Good entry, I feel healthier just looking at it. ;)LOL.

Always, Carly

Anonymous said...

fan in the rafters is intersting, and i love the colorful veggies. great job!

Anonymous said...

I like the fan shot...sometimes ya gotta look UP :~)

Suzanne R said...

Very creative thinking here, Vicki -- the rafters and fan are very interesting, and I love all the produce, especially the purple. Nicely done!

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Oh, I love these, especially the rafters. It reminds me of the ceiling of the food court at Park Place, only far more interesting. And purple peppers? How cool is that?

Ingrid said...

Very nice pictures ! I love all vegetables ! But since this exercise I don't know anymore what I WANT to photograph, lol

alphawoman said...

Wonderful pictures. Loved the purple peppers!

Anonymous said...

wow, those rafters are gorgeous, what a beautiful farmer's market you must enjoy!

Teena in Toronto said...

The shot of the veggies is so colourful!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Steven said...

Love those angles on the roof photo. Nice colors there too. Big fan is something else.

Tammie Jean said...

Great photos Vicki! The ceiling is so interesting with all the angles and light, and the colors of the veggies are just gorgeous!

MyMaracas said...

Thanks for all your nice comments, gang! The veggies did indeed look "good enough to eat" that day. The fan is much bigger than it looks here... note the staircases up in there? They give an idea of the scale.
