Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Round Robin Challenge: Sparkle

OK, finally! Here's a selection of assorted seasonal sparklage. I've decided to call the fuzziness "soft focus." Hope you're all enjoying the season.

Click here for the rest of the Robins' entries!


Carly said...

Hi Vicki :)

You did a lovely job with your entry. I especially enjoyed the kitty enjoying the lights. :) Very cute.

Always, Carly

Carly said...

PS You are not late, we give all the Robin's up to one week after the challenge is played. :) So no worries, you are right on time m'dear!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! It sparkles in your home (just like in mine) and the cats have always eyes like headlights, lol !

Steven said...

Lots of sparkles! Love the ice. Don't see that around here very often. Thanks for the reminder :-)

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Love the well-lit electric cat and the icy branches. Well worth waiting for!