Sunday, December 16, 2007

Round Robins: Black and White

Black and White Landscape is the current Round Robin topic, suggested by Marie, author of the blog Photographs and Memories Too. Could there be a more perfect choice for a winter day? This is a shagbark hickory that lives in my front yard. If you look at the trunk, you can see that it's snowing.

I kept hoping for a grand vista to present itself for this one, or at least an interesting grove or garden, but nothing really grabbed me. I was surprised at how very different shots looked once the color was gone. So many photos that looked pretty good when they were taken lost all their appeal in grayscale. I'll be experimenting a lot more with this, learning to see structure and line alone. I do love a learning opportunity. Great topic, Marie!

To see what the other members found, check out the links on the main page: Round Robin Photo Challenge, Black and White Landscape.


MariesImages said...

I think you did great. You picked a perfect subject for this challenge. Trees against the sky have definite contrast. Once you start doing b&w you will see what works & what doesn't. I take all my photos in color, then convert to b & w.

Karen Funk Blocher said...

I love what you did with this, though. We tend to look at trees straight on, but you found an interesting angle, literally. It really works with the black and white.

But I know what you mean about finding exciting vistas to do in black and white. Ansel Adams did canyons and redwoods and things, but we're usually stuck with whatever places are in reach on the average Thursday. Ya know?


Carly said...

Hi Vicki :)

I really like the angle on the tree, it is a very artistic touch. Excellent darlin.

Always, Carly

Unknown said...

I love the tree! I too had trouble figuring out what would work in b&w. I just really missed the color. :)

Steven said...

Very nice! I'm partial to trees on sky :-) I too looked for a vista but it's so flat here. I like the angle you took.

Ingrid said...

The picture is beautiful ! I had some troubles too when I put some pictures in black and white they didn't look nice at all the colors were missing. Anyway I prefer color pictures !

Tammie Jean said...

Perfect winter shot, Vicki! I love the shape of trees in the winter - you can really see their forms. Great job!

Janet said...

That IS a "grand vista"! Beautiful shot :-)