Karen over at Outpost Mavarin has been carrying on the tradition of the Monday Photo Shoot since it was handed off to her by AOL Blogfather John Scalzi. And now, Karen is turning it over to Carly of the blog Ellipsis.
This is Karen's last photo prompt: Departure, preferably involving Destruction.
This discarded shell seemed to fit the bill, split open down the back and abandoned by the bright, green, winged cicada within. I think it's absolutely amazing, with its perfectly intact details, and the gold and silver reflections.
My kids, on the other hand, can't believe I bring stuff like this into the house. To each his own, I suppose.
I'm feeling a bit guilty for not participating more often in Monday Photo Shoot. I'm sorry, Karen. You did a great job with the topics, and I always meant to play along. Mondays are just not a big blogging day for me. I'll try to be a better participant going forward.
To anyone passing through, why don't you come on by to Karen's to see the past topics, and then join us over at Carly's going forward? One of the great things about a smaller group is that everyone gets to know everyone. It's a great way to make some new friends.
How gorgeous. I never knew that you could find whole ones like that. I too love the detritus of nature. It is so interesting to find a snake skin or a broken seed pod.
what an interesting catch!
Put me in the hard-to-look-at-it camp! That said, it's an excellent photo and a great find, and it does fit both D words. I fully understand that people are busy, so no need to apologize. Thanks for joining in my last hurrah!
That is a gorgeous photograph. Nice work. I've always loved cicada shells. I remember being fascinated by them as a child.
Hi Vicki :)
Oh my, honey this impresses me more then you know! I probably not attempt something like this, and I know if I did, I more then likely couldn't have brought the artistic quality to it you have! This is exactly what I mean about you having one of the best eyes for photography I have met on the net to date! I am continuing to learn from you all the time! I will be looking forward to the times you will possibly participate in my version of the Monday Photo Shoot!
Hugs, Carly
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