Saturday, September 20, 2008

Round Robins: Green

Sulphur Butterfly

In keeping with the Green theme for Round Robins Photo Challenge this week, I bring you a little sulphur butterfly with big, green eyes. (I seem to be into bugs these days, don't I?)

Our topic idea comes from Julie, of the blog Julie's Journal. Thanks, Julie, for a fun one!

To check out the other participants, click here.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

WOW! So many greens in one place. Are those big green circles really her eyes?

Ingrid said...

Amazing !! I have never seen a green butterfly and then with these big eyes !! What a shot ! really nice !

Carly said...

Hi Vicki :)

Pretty greeeeen thing with wings! :) I haven't seen a green sulphur before, what a cutie!

Always, Carly

Kiva said...

You always find inspiration in nature. What perfectly green butterfly!

MyMaracas said...

Actually, the wings are yellow on the top, but greenish on the underside. The eyes, though, look like little lime green pompons. I'd never seen one with eyes like that either.

Sandcastle Momma said...

That's a beautiful shot! I've never seen a green butterfly - which is too bad because they're gorgeous! Great job!

MariesImages said...

Wow...great close-up, perfect green image!

Rambling Woods said...

What big eyes you have butterfly. Great macro...

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Wow--excellent resolution on such a little critter! Love the eye, and also the texture and highlights on those deep green leaves.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You must be a very patient photographer! Love the green buggy eyes!

Anonymous said...

What a cool shot! She blends in so well one could nearly miss her. Good eye!

MyMaracas said...

Thanks, everyone! I was pretty pleased with this one too, and that's more than I can say for 99 percent of my shots. If only that grey stick were not in the foreground ... I tried to ease it out of there just after taking this one, but the motion made the 'fly fly off in alarm.

Steven said...

Sweet! Sulphurs are tough to photograph. Great job. Pretty little green eye!

Janet said...

Oh, I miss Round Robin! What a perfect "green" shot!