These little guys were all over my driveway yesterday. I don't know what they found so attractive in the gravel there, but I had to go slow to let them fly up and away without running them over or having them hit the windshield too hard.
My internet search turned up no matching images, so their name is still a mystery.
* P.S. Further research indicates these are Red Admiral butterflies. This particular one stayed on my windowsill for most of the day, so it's a male defending a territory and waiting for a lovely female to come by. It kind of spoils the magic, but they feed on bird droppings, which is probably the big draw in the driveway. More about them here: Animal Diversity.
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Super beautiful! What a wonderful shadow..and gorgeous creature!
How gorgeous! And what a fantastic capture! It's colors are so beautiful! Have a great weekend!
Yay!! That is beautiful!
Shadodw Shot Sunday
Hi Vicki. Neat photo. It's a red admiral, I believe. Last year they were scarce. This year they are early. Mother Nature sure is acting strange.
What could be more lovely than the shadow of a butterfly!
Lovely: the shadow of a butterfly. Should be a novel or a poem or something. Not only do you delight me with your photographs but you can delight me with your words.
It's such a pretty butterfly. The taste in food it has isn't so pretty. Bird poo! At least they keep your driveway clean of icky bird droppings :)
I love this photo - even if the butterfly does have a strange taste in food!!
Lovely shot of the butterfly from above.
Neat pic. I once saw a turtle eating dog doo on the beach in St. Augustine. Guess somebody has to do the clean up (dirty) work!
Gorgeous .. I saw one like that in TN this weekend but he fluttered by before I could get a snap
Thanks, everyone, for such sweet comments - and EG, thanks for offering the name!
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