Mothers' Day on the deck: lying in a hammock in the sun with a glass of wine within reach, a blue sky above, and family all around. Hope all of you had a day this good, too!
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Lovely spot of rainbow for a perfect day.
Looks and sounds like you had a lovely day.
Very nice! That's what Mothers Day is all about. Hope some of that relaxation continues through the week for you :)
glass of wine
within my hand’s reach
Shadows everywhere:
If Wisteria…
Shadowy descanso
Lovely little sunspot there .. I was so inspired by your macro of the raindrops on the leaf that this Saturday when it rained here I went raindrop hunting and got a few, none as good as yours tho ...
Absolutely and simply beautiful.
Love this!
Sounds like a good day to me...Michelle
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