Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shadow Shots: Snooze

Faced with a choice of sleeping in or doing something relatively productive - like shadow hunting out in the snow and ice - I settled on this compromise.

Productivity is overrated.

And yes, I keep a camera by the bed. Because you never know.

Check out other entries at Heyharriet:


Ralph said...

The indoor shadows are quite appropriate in ths season of cold and ice. The warmth extends from the balnket, hand and shadow. A perfect alternative to the cold shadow hunting outside!

Sylvia K said...

Love your indoor shadows -- that's almost the only place we've had any and only then because I created some with lights! Wow! am I ready for some sunshine!! Hope you have a great weekend! Stay warm!


Ms. Becky said...

keeping a camera by the bed is a grand idea. I often lay there awhile after waking - looking at the shadows on the walls and ceiling. I love the intimacy of your shadow shot. very nice. have a beautiful weekend!

millie said...

this is a yummy shot! the shades of color, textures and warmth have all got me wishing for a lazy afternoon.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Very soft and interesting shadow...

My shadows, enjoy your weekend!

Alissa Nicolau said...

I love that you keep your camera next to your bed because so do I. Great. Shot, enjoy your quiet day!

Cat said...

That's not my camera is it? I can't find my camera anywhere.
Seriously, love your shots.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hehehe! I applaud your creativity. :)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, I so agree with your observation about productivity! :-)


A seeker of shadows one day
Asked shadows to come out and play:
“O shadows, my dears,
Despite all my fears,
I hope you will not run away.”

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadowy Humility

Hey Harriet said...

Great compromise and great shot! Productivity is overrated. I couldn't agree more! Happy snoozing :)

Daryl said...

You continue to inspire me ..

Ingrid said...

Very creative shot !

Vilisi said...

'Productivity is overrated.' I love it!