I didn't think I was going to come up with anything worth posting for this one, but on the way home from work Monday I spotted these in a junk store window and had to have 'em. Tres chic, no?

One of the wonderful things that blogging does for me is to make me much more aware, more focused on things I encounter every day. I am finding that photography is even more of an eye-opener; I've probably passed these quirky little characters dozens of times without noticing. Then Carly sends us off on a mannequin hunt, and suddenly I see.
To check out the rest of the Robins' photos, click on over to the Round Robin Challenge: Mannequins
Hi Vicki :)
Honey, these are perfect! You've captured actually what I meant with the challenge. They are both outstanding, but I absolutely love the top photo. That one is worthy of a gallery. IMO. By the way... a little side note... I think he is wearing my exact wedding veil. :) I will have to get a picture out to be sure, but yep... I think that's it. :)
Always, Carly
Those are awesome shots! très funky!
Well done, Vicki! I couldn't agree more on how these challenges have opened my eyes (and heart at times) to things I'd have surely missed.
Glad you played!!
LOL Carly! It's actually a very pretty wedding veil - click on the photo and you can see the detail.
Thanks all, for the kind words.
These are great! I especially love Mr. Box, the Bride!
These are the best! Funky, quirky, and so fun! I agree - sometimes we just need to open up our eyes. (I think you could frame that first one - so cool!)
great job! i was out of town and didn't get to participate in this rrc...but i was really wondering what in the world i would find. lol your find was perfect!
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