Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Winging it

This week's Round Robin subject is from Steven at (Sometimes)Photoblog: Things With Wings.

I was short on time this week, so stalking the local bugs and birds just wasn't gonna happen. Fortunately for me, a bed-and-breakfast in the neighborhood just added this fountain filled to the brim with winged angels singin' in the rain.

They appear to be having a wet toga contest, which seems downright unangelic, but what can I say. I takes what I can get.

Click here to see what the other Robins found.


Anonymous said...

LOL love your take on this, how nice that you have such a lovely statue in your neighborhood!

Steven said...

Great job of winging it! Lots of detail on the fountain. So many of my best shots are taken by winging it. Perfect.

Ingrid said...

The statues look a little strange not to say funny but the interpretation of our theme is very good ! Better then insects ! (I don't like them)

Carly said...


Darlin... this is fabulous! You have a true artist's eye. Excellent choice for the challenge. :)

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Ha! You Thought of angels, too! Yours look like they ought to be Greek gods. Very cool, though. Well done!

kmm said...

Great statues, beautiful colours. Cheers Kerrin

MyMaracas said...

Thanks all, for the encouragement!

These are strange, aren't they. As you say, Karin, they look more like Greek gods, except for the wings. Which works, I guess ... "things" ... with wings.


Unknown said...

Those angels look like they've having a good time. Nice shots!

Carly said...

Hi Vicki

I wrote about you in my entry today, drop and have a look when you can. :)

Always, Carly