Many of us fall into the category of "enthusiast" or "skilled amateur" when it comes to snapping pictures. We tend to rely on the automatic settings on our camera.
How about we stretch our photographic muscles and try some of those "other" settings on the camera? Ones we've never used before, particularly. It would be interesting to see what people come up with.
So when Gatsby Cat appeared on my desk this morning for his daily scatter-the-mail event, I snapped a few shots in different modes. I learned a few things in the process. First of all, "Copy" is black and white! As Gomer Pyle would say, Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Plus, all the ones taken with the flash off turned out blurry (they're not included here.) I nearly always turn off the flash because I don't like the harshness, and I have an awful time getting clear, in-focus shots. Seems the two things are related. Duh.
My camera is an older point-and-shoot, a Nikon Coolpix 2500, but it has quite a few preset options and a few manual adjustments you can make, I suppose, if you know how. One of these days, I'm going to explore resetting the white balance. Maybe fix some of those orange shots I get indoors.
Anyway, here's what happened:

Party Indoor. This is the warmest of the bunch and my favorite. Too bad GC was so distracted by the kid in the hallway, but what're ya gonna do.
Be sure to check out the rest of the Robins' experiments to see what everyone else found.
Hi Vicki :)
I love that you featured your kitty in those shots. I wish I could assist with those camera settings, I am not so good with the technical stuff unless I have the project in front of me. I am sure the orange cast you have been getting can be fixed in a "snap" tee hee. Excellent entry here.
Always, Carly
Cool round up of settings. I turn off my flash for the same reasons as you. It's a harsh light. Fun settings!
Love the pics of GC -- he makes such a good subject (but then I'm prejudiced as I love kitties, especially as photography subjects). It's interesting what all you can do with the different settings.
Excellent sequence! I like your "copy" shot the best, I think. Don't remember that one from my old Nikon that broke. I do remember "Museum," though. I do miss that camera!
Very nice job! I learned some stuff just by reading this, so thanks!
I'm with Karen...I like the "Copy" mode. It makes the shot look sorta retro and hip.
Thanks for the kind comments, everyone!
Carly - fixed in a snap? Heh heh. Very punny. ;-)
Karen and Becky - I will be doing more with that Copy mode, now that I know it's there.
Steven - looks like NOT using the flash is part of my problem with blurry shots, though, and a couple of these setting seem to tame the harshness.
Suzanne - GC is quite a character. I should use him more often, I think.
Nancy - I'm so glad to hear this was useful for you! I know I learned a lot this time around.
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