Here's what leaked out from under my own battered, tattered thinking cap:

This church is called Saint Joseph's, a European-style confection in brick and stone. When it's dark and the lights are on inside, the stained glass windows make the whole thing glow like a Tiffany lamp. AND, it has real bells. If I were a deity, I'd want to live there.

For the future, how about these:
Morning, Noon and Night. Kinda simple, really ... photograph the same thing at different times of the day. It's an experiment in using natural light.
Roots. Everyone does gnarled branches, twisty trunks, and pretty flowers, but roots have a lot of character too.
Extra Credit:
Before and After. Anything "before" and, well, "after." You pick what.
Click here to see what the other Robins have done -- and next time join in, OK?
Hi Vicki :)
I just knew you would come up with some wonderful ideas! I especially like the "Morning, Noon and Night" idea. I find myself photographing the same subjects with different lighting, so it would be wonderful to see how others do with this challenge! Lovely entry as usual sweetie. :)
Always, Carly
I just love your ideas!!
And, lovely pics as well!
great ideas! i also love old churches and have thought many times it would be great to photograph them. wonderful shots.
I love all your ideas, especially the church steeple. Wonderful photos too~
Steeplechase! I like that as there are not too many of the old wooden churches left are here. Stone was not a common building material around here unless in the city proper. New church construction is low brick modern sans steeple.
I love the morning, noon and night idea. Light plays itself out across the days!
So nifty! I especially love the name "Steeplechase" and your execution on it, and the "Morning Noon and Night" idea. And now I'll be looking at roots at every opportunity - not that you can see them on most cacti!
Fabulous ideas Vicki! I'll have to keep an eye on what the Robins are up to... hopefully I can jump back in and play soon :)
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