Friday, January 02, 2009

Monday Photo Shoot: Watching the Clock

Carly at Ellipsis hosts the Monday Photo Shoot, and has asked us this week to show off our clocks in honor of the new year. So here's one that has stood the test of time.

It's an eighteen-foot-tall 1895 Seth Thomas No.5 street clock, and one of these has occupied this spot in Mishawaka Indiana since 1871. Vintage replacements were installed in 1938 and again in 1994, due to unfortunate encounters between their predecessors and passing traffic. Replacing them is not an easy project, as these haven't been made in over a hundred years.

This particular one is the source of some local controversy. It is the official city timekeeper, but only one side of it is working. Economic woes have delayed the needed repairs. I guess you could say it's a sign of the times.

Be sure to click over to Monday Photo Shoot to see what everyone else found.

*P.S. Forgot about the extra credit, which was to show a clock with my favorite time of the day. There's no photo, and it depends on which day. On workdays, it's around 4:30PM to 5:30PM, the time I turn into the end of my driveway and speed through the woods to the Bat Cave. On days off, it's whatever time shows on the clock when I'm done sleeping.


Carly said...

Hi Vicki

Welcome Back! :) I am so pleased you joined us this week. Fabulous clock! It reminds me a little of the one at Pebble Beach in Monterey, and one we have downtown here in Berkeley, along Shattuck avenue. I love outdoor time pieces, this one is so quaint. I am sorry it is not being taken care of, it's a scary time we are living in. :( Take care sweetie, and thanks for playing!

Hugs, Carly

Rambling Woods said...

Now that is a clock with a story...The only ones around here are wonder kids have trouble learning how to tell time..

gina said...

what a wonderful old clock!

Jama said...

it's such a wonderful clock, it should be maintained since it's practically an antique with so much history!

Suzanne R said...

I love the story of this clock and its' predecessors! It's too bad it isn't being maintained, but then my grandfather clock has stopped working and I haven't gotten it back in gear, so to speak, either.

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Wow - great clock, and I'm impressed that the community managed to replace it twice with another one that old! There was a clock in downtown Syracuse when I was growing up that was that general sort of thing, but I'm sure it wasn't as old as this. Cool pix!